Yan Thomas (1943), a pioneer of Roman social and legal institutions and legal anthropology, taught at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes (Paris) until his death in 2008. Western jurists generally rely on a version of legal history that reinforces their own influence on the present. The legal mythologies underlying these self-serving propositions are divided between doctrines about the ancient nature of law and its sacred (Roman) origins. Thomas`s demystified jurisprudence, presented in this collection of essays, rejects these legends. His work sent seismic waves through the humanities and social sciences, with claims such as: Yan Thomas taught at the École des Hautes Études (Paris) until his death in 2008 at the age of 56. A specialist in the history of the novel and law, Thomas left behind a work composed mainly of many articles. His work can be described as an inventory of genealogical prolegomena to understand the Western legal tradition. The essays gathered here give a clear overview of the challenges of Thomas` renowned investigations. Thomas` studies of Roman history and law focus on how law works – and thus on its extension and transfer.

Thanos Zartaloudis is Senior Lecturer in Legal Theory and History at Kent Law School, University of Kent, and Senior Lecturer in History and Theory at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London. ÐÐμÑ ÑлÐμкÑÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ð1/2Ð3/4й вÐμÑÑÐ ̧Ð ̧. `); doc.close(); } } this.iframeload = function () { var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframe.style.display = „; setTimeout(function () { setIframeHeight(initialResizeCallback); }, 20); } function getDocHeight(doc) { var contentDiv = doc.getElementById(« iframeContent »); var docHeight = 0; if(contentDiv){ docHeight = Math.max( contentDiv.scrollHeight, contentDiv.offsetHeight, contentDiv.clientHeight ); } return docHeight; } function setIframeHeight(resizeCallback) { var iframeDoc, iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); iframeDoc = ((iframe.contentWindow && iframe.contentWindow.document) || iframe.contentDocument); if (iframeDoc) { var h = getDocHeight(iframeDoc); if (h && h != 0) { iframe.style.height = parseInt(h) + `px`; if(typeof resizeCallback == « function ») { resizeCallback(iframeId); } } else if (nTries. Yan ThomasEdité par Thanos Zartaloudis, Cooper FrancisIntroduction par Thanos Zartaloudis, Anton SchützPostface d’Alain Pottage. Customer reviews, including star ratings of products, help customers learn more about the product and decide if it`s right for them. Yan Thomas was the most creative jurist and historian of Roman law of his generation. No one has done so much to study the language and reveal the thinking of Roman jurists. Having access to your work in English is an invaluable contribution.

Anton Schütz is an honorary member of Kent Law School at the University of Kent. He is co-editor of the Encounters in Law and Philosophy (EUP) book series. Her current studies focus on normative orders centered on the right versus normative orders centered on the right Chantal Schütz is head of the Department of Languages and Cultures at the École Polytechnique de Paris. His most recent works deal with early modern broadside ballads; Thomas Middleton; Shakespeare; and performance history. ð1/2аÑÐμÐ1/4 ðºÑÑпð1/2ðμйÑÐμÐ1/4 ð² ð1/4Ð ̧ÑÐμð1/4аа· ð̧ð1/2Ðμ ð¿ÑÐμÐ ́ÑÑаа°Ð²Ð»ÐμÐ1/2Ñð»ÐμкÑÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ð1/2ÑÐμ ðºÐ1/2Ð ̧гР̧, ðºð3/4ÑÐ3/4ÑÑÐμ ð1/4жÐ1/2Ð3/4 ÑÐ ̧ÑаÑÑð² бÑаÑз ðμÑÐμ, ð1/2ð° ð¿ð°1/2ÑÐμÑÐ1/2ð3/4Ð1/4 ðð»ÐμÑÐ3/4Ð1/2Ðμ ð ̧ð»Ð ̧ ÑпðμÑЧалÑÐ1/2Ð3/4Ð1/4 ÑÑÑÑÑÐ3/4йÑÑвðμ. Alain Pottage is Professor of Law at SciencesPo, Paris. Previously, he was Professor of Law at the London School of Economics. His work focuses on the history and theory of intellectual property as well as on legal and anthropocene issues. Cooper Francis is an essayist and translator who completed his postgraduate studies at the Centre for Research in Modern European Philosophy at Kings College London.